The popularity of mobile applications on smartphones requires mobile devices to perform high-performing\nprocessing tasks. The computational resources of these devices are limited due to memory, battery life, heat,\nand weight dissipation. To overcome the limitations of mobile devices, cloud computing is considered the\nbest solution. The major issues faced by cloud computing are expensive roaming charges and growing\ndemand for radio access. However, some major benefits associated with cloud computing are fast application\nprocessing, fast transfer of data, and substantial reduction in the use of mobile resources. This study\nevaluated the association between the distance of cloud servers and cloudlets with and without coordination\nand data latency. Fast communication in the cloudlet environment is facilitated by coordinated cloudlets,\nwhich have a positive influence on the infrastructure of cloud computing. The coordinated cloudlets can be\nefficiently accessed in different areas, such as vehicular networks, vehicular fog computing, and fog\ncomputing.